Simplify your customers product discovery by allowing users to type or speak vehicle fitment and qualifiers directly into your website search bar, on any platform.
Curious how PartsLogic can help you? Request a demo! We’ll walk you through it and show how it can benefit your business.
PartsLogic helps users find the right part the first time, helping more users convert faster. In fact, PartsLogic users have up to a 10x higher conversion rate and browse up to 5x more pages than users shopping without PartsLogic.
The more engaged a user is on your site, the more likely it is that they’ll make a purchase. Just like a great product video or compelling content, site search is another way to increase user engagement.
Customers using PartsLogic have seen site search significantly increase, some by more than 1,000%, substantially impacting revenue.
PartsLogic site search uses a fully suggestive search bar that allows users to search for their needed part in a number of ways. It can autocomplete the part name, search by synonym, search by YMM (year, make, model), search by qualifier, facet or attribute, and more.
Site search bar features auto-complete to make it easy for users to search anything. Users can even type or speak their vehicle into the search bar.
Users can search using the terms they’re already familiar with. Truck bed cover or tonneau cover, both return the same search results.
PartsLogic integrates with Google Analytics so you can see what users are searching, how many results they’re getting, and track conversions.
Create sort order rules to set the product priority within search results. Show top selling products, most relevant categories, user-favorites and more.
Suggestive search that can recommend products based on previous searches, vehicle fitment, qualifiers, facets, brands and more.
Personalize a user’s search results based on year, make, and model.
Optimized site search allows product filtering and avoids duplicate content.
When consumers need parts, they reach for their phones to make the purchase. PartsLogic understands, and that’s why it’s created to be mobile-friendly for every user.
PartsLogic integrates with Google Analytics so you can track users who use site search and see their keywords, conversion rate and more.
Use data from what key phrases generate the most conversions for SEO optimization of those same products.
Curious how PartsLogic can help you? Request a demo! We’ll walk you through it and show how it can benefit your business.