Synonym Search

Your site users come from all over the country, maybe even the world. Chances are, they call your products by a different name.

With PartsLogic, synonym search will get your site users to the products they’re looking for — whatever they call them.

What is Synonym Search?

Synonym search is a tool within PartsLogic that understands what users are looking for even if they call a product by a different name. This tool unlocks the ability to evaluate what users search on your website and improve the results for misspelled or synonymous words/phrases. 

Synonym search presents the proper product or category results – providing the ideal customer experience by landing the visitor at their desired destination efficiently and effectively.

Synonym Search

How Does Synonym Search Boost Conversions?

Imagine someone attempting to search “tonneau cover” for the first time – a commonly misspelled word. A standard website search for a misspelled word like “tanno cover” or “tonno cover” will show NO RESULTS – interrupting the shopper’s experience and increasing their probability at bouncing to another website. 

Synonym search creates a seamless experience, enabling your website to showcase ideal results even for misspelled or synonymous words/phrases. 

Examples of Synonym Search:

  • Tonno Cover = Tonneau Cover
  • Truck Bed Cover = Tonneau Cover
  • Chevy = Chevrolet
  • F150 = F-150
  • And more unlimited customizations!
Site Search - Synonyms

Improves User Experience & Engagement

Fully suggestive search bar allows users to search multiple ways: with full or partial names, synonyms, numbers, typos and more.

Increases Conversion Rates

Help visitors find the right products as quickly as possible. The seamless approach eliminates hurdles for visitors and promotes better conversion rates.

Makes Content Discoverable

The use of synonyms in search allows makes the right content discoverable at the right moment.

Quickly Maximize Relevant Search Results

PartsLogic improves the relevance of product results to every search performed on the website.

Parts Logic Website Synonyms

Maximizes Relevant Search Results

It is also possible your site includes similar products with a range of similar names. Searching for one of these names will return all results for the user.

Setup synonyms with a one way match type or bi-directional!

Makes Content Discoverable

Site search that is optimized for synonym search will return results even if users search for a product by a different name. Instead of returning zero results, synonym search will show the same products but by the name your site has given it. Resulting products and/or categories as well as brands will allow users to immediately understand the items are one in the same.

shopping review
Synonym Search

Increases Conversion Rates

Synonym search presents users with a range of options that may not be found on other sites where more specific search terms are required to find a product. The increased ability for users to find products translates to higher conversion rates. 

Maximizing conversion rate is always about the details, creating and easier path to conversion. Synonym search is another step towards maximizing conversion rate.


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Curious how PartsLogic can help you? Request a demo! We’ll walk you through it and show how it can benefit your business.